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Sunday worship with Holy Communion. All are welcome! 

In worship we have  begun a new journey through the Bible using the Narrative Lectionary! We began in Genesis, which literally means “beginning”. Over the next few months, the Old Testament stories we will read reveal a God of promise, relationship, mercy and new life. God’s faithfulness will shine through the rocky relationship with God’s covenant people. Even when promises are broken, God renews the promise again and again.

As we get closer to Advent, we will hear readings from the Old Testament prophets who look back on the history of Israel’s relationship with their Creator and forward toward the coming of the Messiah. God is then shown to us fully in this promised Messiah – Jesus – through whom comes hope for a redeemed world.

The Narrative Lectionary reading schedule helps the church see the arc of God’s unfolding story of love and redemption in Christ Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit across generations in the people whom God calls.