On Sunday, January 7th, I talked about discerning and using our own unique spiritual gifts for service to our neighbor and spheres where our lives are lived out.
The Psalmist in Psalm 139 declares that each us are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. They go on to describe our development and formation in poetically intimate and loving detail.
So what are your gifts? What are those sources of joy and passion which come easily to you when you find yourself using your gifts?
Using our gifts is part of our vocation. Luther emphasized that vocation is more than our careers or how we earn a living. Vocation is how we relate to the world – how you see yourself fitting into the contexts and relationships around you.
Frederick Buechner said “Vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world’s deep need”. As the beloved community of Jesus, we are called to meet others in their need for love, advocacy, support, and seeking justice. In using our gifts to accomplish this there is genuine, solid, bona fide joy.
Want to learn more about spiritual gifts?
The ELCA has a Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tool that might help you discern your spiritual gifts and how you might use them. Also, WELCA (Women of the ELCA) have a devotional tool using your spiritual gifts.
Download the pdf files below.