We are in the midst of the Lenten season now, and perhaps you are taking these 40 days to walk with Jesus or walk with your doubts or walk with your frustrations or walk with questions or some of you are walking with the Bible study of “What It Means to be Lutheran.” Maybe you are fasting from something or taking more time to reflect or maybe not. All grace.
The word Lent comes from the Old English word, lencten, meaning spring, especially the lengthening of days. I’m sure you are noticing like I am how the Alaska days are longer and brighter again, having just passed the spring equinox. I take this meaning into my prayers this season, that is, I’m lengthening my awareness of what needs more light in the world. I pray for friends who are ill and friends grieving, for instance. Prayers that are always needed in those dark times. But I’ve lengthened my time in those prayers, not just naming them, envisioning them and asking for God’s presence with them, but just being with them a little longer. Just holding where they are. Giving each of these friends more time, more light. Feeling my own sadness or wanting things different with their stories.
And I’m spending more time in praise of beauty, letting myself fully take in the magnificence of the mountains, snow on trees, the faces of those around me, the food set before me, the music I hear. I think of lengthening my prayers, whatever they may be as a way of slowing down and seeing both how difficult and how beautiful life is—all of it. Just as Jesus did when he walked the human walk.
How are you praying right now? What are you praying for? And if you aren’t praying, can you be curious about that? Because sometimes that happens too. What is in the way? I encourage to lengthen your moments with God here in the middle of the Lenten season.
Pastor Marcia Wakeland is a retired ELCA pastor, a spiritual director and a listening advocate. She is interested in the actual experience of having faith and how that is lived out. She can be reached at mwakeland@gmail.com for comments or more questions Her ongoing blog of living out spiritual practices is listeninglife.live